Legal entities (whether Russian resident or not) with an adequate regulatory status are admitted to participate in bidding procedures.
All bidders shall comply with the following requirements:
possess the necessary professional knowledge and qualifications, and experience in trading or other activities related to industrial supplies;
possess the necessary (including financial) means, production capacities, equipment and labor resources, corresponding to the scope of commitment;
deliver products exactly on time according to the agreed schedule in accordance with the order (contract, schedule);
products shall meet the agreed quality standards and be produced using state-of-the-art technology;
observe the required scope of supply;
deliver all necessary supporting documentation;
maintain the agreed prices;
adhere to anti-corruption standards, be ready to familiarise yourself with the EVRAZ Anti-Corruption Policy and confirm agreement with its principles by accepting the appropriate clause in the contractual documents, as well as comply with other agreed anti-corruption requirements.
An entity may not bid unless they have in a timely manner registered in the system (SAP SRM, Supply).
In order to register in SAP SRM a vendor must provide the following document to confirm their status:
If a manufacturer
a sample quality certificate;
a license, certificate or other permit in case of supply of products being subject to mandatory licensing or a permit of authorized regulator.
If a vendor being a Group member
a guarantee letter by the manufacturer to certify that the vendor fulfills the trading functions in relation to the products of the Group (e.g. Trading House of the manufacturer);
a license, certificate or other permit in case of supply of products being subject to mandatory licensing or a permit of authorized regulator.
If a dealer/official representative
a valid certificate (dealer or representative license) or other document to certify the vendor’s right to supply goods on behalf of a specific manufacturer (assignment and commission agreements);
a sample quality certificate;
a license, certificate or other permit in case of supply of products being subject to mandatory licensing or a permit of authorized regulator.
If an intermediary
a document given by a manufacturer or an official representative of the latter to certify that they are ready to sell their products to the vendor, or any other document to confirm availability of the goods and the possibility of supply, or any other documents to confirm the right of the vendor to supply goods on behalf of the manufacturer ((assignment and commission agreements);
a sample quality certificate;
a license, certificate or other permit in case of supply of products being subject to mandatory licensing or a permit of authorized regulator.
Online accounts of vendors registered with the e-trading platform:
SRM Online accounts of vendors registered with SAP SRM
Supply Registration with the e-trading platform to participate in the bidding events
Web portal to get a pass to Raspadskaya entities
Vendor’s account Online accounts of vendors registered with Supply
Anti-corruption policy