PJSC Raspadskaya is part of the Coal business of EVRAZ, a global mining and steel company, Russian rolled steel market leader.
Key highlights
The mines supply coal to the majority of leading steel works and enterprises in Russia and the CIS. EVRAZ ZSMK is one of the major consumers. Products of the mines have won multiple highest awards at international exhibitions “Coal of Russia and Mining” and “Expo Coal”.
Mines and Open Pits
The flagship in the production of high-quality GZh coking coal grade.
Balance reserves amount to more than 1.2 bt of coal. The designed capacity of the mine is 7.5 mta. This is estimated to allow the enterprise to operate for 100 years.
Raspadskaya is an underground city with a unique infrastructure. It is is about 600 m deep, with over 220 km of the existing mine workings.
The Raspadskaya mine is actively implementing investment projects aimed at developing production and ensuring safe working conditions.
The mine is unique with the most valuable in Russia coking coal grade K.
Before 2019, Raspadskaya-Koksovaya mined coal using the board-and-pillar method of seam mining. The changeover to longwall technology made it possible to double the volume of coal production.
Raspadskaya-Koksovaya is a modern, technologically advanced enterprise furnished with the state-of-the-art equipment.
An underground Wi-Fi network has been deployed at a depth of more than 500 meters, and a specialized video surveillance system has been installed. At the faces, there are vision devices, video cameras with infrared illumination, and thermal imagers.
Production capacity of the mine is 3 mta. In total, more than 110 million tons have been mined; the volume of commercial reserves is over 420 mt. The total length of the existing workings is more than 70 km.
Alardinskaya ships to its customers 230-250 kt of coal monthly, where 60% are supplied to EVRAZ ZSMK and 40% to Raspadskaya washing plant. Steel business of EVRAZ, coke-chemical and steel mills are the main customers.
Alardinskaya is the company’s record holder in dispatching the main processes. The mine uses modern gas drainage equipment, high-performance process equipment and effective IT solutions for production control.
Esaulskaya mine operates the Baydaevskoe coal deposit. The average annual production amounts to 1.4 mt. The balance reserves amount to more than 112.8 mt of coal.
An investment project was ongoing at the mine for several years to develop seam 29 with balance reserves of more than 10 mt. In 2020, mining of the first longwall with reserves of 3.5 mt began. This is the biggest longwall in the history of the entity.
Coal is further processed at the Kuznetskaya and Abashevskaya washing plants. The concentrate in pure form or as part of mixes is either supplied to the domestic market or exported.
The youngest mine of Raspadskaya Coal Company operating since 2013. The surveyed reserves of the Erunakovskoe coal deposit reach 300 million tons. The average annual production is about 2.5-3 mt. The monthly face output is about 180-240 kt of coal.
Erunakovskaya-VIII is one of the industry leaders in terms of advanced technologies in the field of industrial safety and digitalization. The mine uses explosion-proof LED strips, headlights with a video recording function.
All modern types of gas drainage are also used at the mine. Erunakovskaya-VIII was the first in the Company to introduce controlled angle drilling in 2018.
One of Kuzbass’s oldest and deepest mines operating since 1932. Here, the main mining operations are carried out at a depth of 600–800 and high-quality coal is mined for the production of metallurgical coke.
Today, Osinnikovskaya is extensively applying new digital technologies. For example, the Abie system for digital management of health and industrial safety.
In 2020, Osinnikovskaya was the first in Russia to introduce underground video analytics. The system recognizes the absence of personal protective equipment underground, as well as the correctness of the miner’s actions while working with equipment and tools.
The Ulyanovskskaya mine began operation in 1999, and in 2012 it was renamed Uskovskaya.
The designed capacity is 3 mta. Today, the mine is in progress of mining from seam 48, the reserves of which are expected to last for 25 years.
The first longwall of the seam was launched in December 2020. It is fully equipped with new mining equipment.
Much attention at Uskovskaya is paid to industrial safety, degassing and ventilation of mine workings. For the efficient methane drainage Uskovskaya was the first in Raspadskaya Coal Company to use directional drilling wells from the mine into the cave column.
Field reserves amount to more than 200 mln tonnes, off-balance reserves — 53,4 mln tonnes.
The designed capacity of the mine is 1,2 mta.
Avoca method of mining works. The Mezhegeyugol mine is one of the first mines in Russia that implemented this caving method.
Maximum mining depth — up to 200 m.
The Mezhegeyugol mine is actively implementing environmental projects.
Raspadsky open pit is one of the five largest open-pit mines in Russia with the capacity to produce more than 4 million tons of coal per year. Koksovy open pit is the youngest enterprise of the Company, founded in 2017.
Raspadsky open pit produces coking coal grades GZh and GZhO. Today, mining is mainly performed by the traditional open method — coal seams lie at a large slope. At the Koksovy open pit we mine coal of scarce OS and KS grades.
Enterprises regularly retrofit the equipment, actively develop advanced technologies, from IT solutions in the field of transport security to advanced analytics and the creation of a modern control room based on AI technologies.
Washing Capacities
The largest washing plant in Russia and Europe to process coking coal of all major grades. Put into operation in October 2005. It currently has no analogues in the world. The designed capacity is 15 million tons of raw coal per year.
The process flow and the compact layout of the facility provide production flexibility. In 2017, the flotation technology was introduced, which allows more efficient washing of poorly washable coal grades K, KS, OS. Raspadskaya washing plant is an environmentally friendly facility. There are no installations emitting pollutants; the shop has a closed water-slurry cycle.
The plant develops artificial intelligence and machine learning projects. More than 1,000 sensors have been installed that analyze the information coming from the equipment. The quality of finished coal products is carefully monitored. The coal chemical laboratory is equipped with modern analytical equipment.
Twice, in 2019 and 2020, Raspadskaya’s washing facilities reached a record for processing run-of-mine coal — more than 12 million tons. These results were the best in Russia and neighboring countries.
Commissioned in 1966. CWP Kuznetskaya was the first factory in the country to process hydromined coal.
In 55 years, the CWP Kuznetskaya has processed 229 mt of raw coal and produced 169 mt of concentrate.
By 2021, following a number of process improvements and modernization, the production capacity of the plant has increased from 3.9 to 6.5 mt of coal.
Concentration engineers are actively reequipping the facility and introducing IT. For example, in 2019, a complex for mechanical dehydration of fine coal sludge was installed at the facility, as a result of which the humidity of the concentrate was halved.
Started operation in June 1962. According to the design, the annual coal washing capacity was 1.8 mt. Following modernization of process and equipment upgrade, the enterprise’s capacity has almost doubled — up to 3.5 mta.
In recent years, a large-scale reconstruction has been carried out at the Abashevskaya factory: new vibrating screens, centrifuges for dehydration have been installed, spiral separators have been replaced for the enrichment of raw coals of the 0.2–2 mm class. A crushing and milling machine for crushing oversized pieces of coal and rock has been purchased.
In September 2019, the flotation department was launched. Today, CWP Abashevskaya offers a full cycle of fine coal enrichment.
Service Companies
Auxiliary enterprises of PJSC Raspadskaya operate in the same technological chain and in close cooperation with miners and concentrators.
Kuznetsk handling and transport company (KHTC)
Carries coal to the external rail network, performs internal transport to ensure an uninterrupted work cycle of the coal mining operations and washing plants.
In 2020, a record of 3.7 mt was set for the volume of cargo transportation from the Alardinskaya mine.
Tomusinsk handling and transport company (THTC)
Carries coal to the external rail network, performs internal transport to ensure an uninterrupted work cycle of the coal mining operations and washing plants.
In 2020, a record of 225.7 mt*km was set for the volume of cargo transportation in the whole history of the entity.
THTC is the most important link in the system of delivery of coal products from Raspadskaya Coal Company’s mines and open pits to customers. The entity carries coal concentrate to the external rail network and performs a significant volume of internal transport to ensure an uninterrupted cycle of the company’s coal mining operations and washing plants.
The entity was founded in 1956.
Today THTC maintains over 60 km of railway tracks, has a modern repair shop for all kinds of repair and maintenance of railway tracks, locomotives and railway vehicles.
Every year THTC transports over 10 mt of coal from Mezhdurechensk site of Raspadskaya Coal Company.
The entity has transported over 600 Mt of coal since the start of its operation.
Motor transport company Yuzhkuzbassugol
Provides transportation of coal, goods and materials, engages in the construction and maintenance of process roads.
Performs tractor-bulldozer and handling operations, nitrogen supply to the worked-out space of mines. A well-functioning system of service buses in place.
Olzherass Sinking Company (OSC)
A unique enterprise with a 70-year history, today there are no similar enterprises in Kuzbass. Mine builders are always at the forefront: they are entrusted with complex operations of construction and maintenance of capital mining workings, vertical and inclined shafts, and other industrial facilities. The enterprise performs the whole range of tunneling works. Over the 70 years of the company’s operation, tunnelers have prepared more than 50 km of permanent mine workings, built 7 vertical mine shafts with a depth of 150 to 530 m.
South Kuzbass Exploration Company
The largest exploration company in Siberia. The entity was founded in 2005. Performs drilling of survey and technical wells for various purposes — degassing, hydrogeological and other. Specialists conduct geological and geodetic engineering works for capital construction, geophysical surveys of wells, monitoring of the geological environment.
Over the past 5 years, the company has completely replaced its drilling equipment fleet. Preliminary drainage wells in mines are prepared using modern VLD-1000 directional drilling rigs (Australia). In 2018, South Kuzbass Exploration Company mastered the RaiseBoring — reverse drilling of large diameter wells. To do this, the Company purchased a Swedish Epiroc Robbins RH73 drilling rig. Raspadskaya Coal Company was the first in Russia to have used such equipment in coal fields.
Assembly, disassembly and repair of mining Company
Performs assembly and disassembly of mechanized complexes; drilling of degassing wells; longwall startup — removal of the mechanical complex from the installation chamber; repair and revision of high-voltage electrical equipment.
The entity was founded in 1975. Specialist of Assembly, disassembly and repair of mining Company constantly master modern technology. So, for example, today the main emphasis in the assembly and disassembly of mechanized production equipment is on the introduction of advanced self-propelled equipment — Petitto Mule. This allows you to work several times safer and faster.
Own production and the possibility of a full-scale repair of mining equipment, steel structures, fastening materials allow the Company to save on the engagement of third-party organizations.
Osinniki repair and engineering works
Produces steel mesh for underground roadways support.
For example, in 2020, the facility passed the necessary inspections and received the quality certification of support elements from the Russian scientific institute VostNII.
Montazhnik Raspadskoy
Repairs mining equipment: pumps, electric motors, gearboxes, drums that are part of belt conveyors, and also manufactures various steel structures.
The products of Montazhnik Raspadskoy are also certified. Today, this enterprise produces about 2 thousand types of products.
Institute of industrial engineering of coal enterprises Promuglproekt
Founded in 2004, it is the general designer of Raspadskaya. 90% of all design documentation for the Company’s enterprises is developed here.
The Institute has a modern technical and information base, is working on major projects for the construction of new facilities, for the development of balance reserves of mines, degassing, fire protection, and so on. IT actively penetrates the sphere of design. Today, drawing panels have been replaced by the Geoniks software package and 3D modeling.
Specialized mine installation and commissioning department
Industry Safety Expertise of projects, engineering diagnostics and non-destructive testing of mining equipment.